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Zoran Lazic


Prof. Zoran Lazic graduated from the School of Dentistry, University of Belgrade. He finished his training in oral surgery in 1993, gained master’s degree and finished his PhD thesis in 2004 in the field of oral implantology and growth factors. Since the beginning of his career prof. Lazic has worked at the department of oral implantology in the Military Medical Academy (MMA), where he currently holds the position as head of Clinic of Dentistry. He is an ICOI Diplomate for Serbia, EAO member and former president of the Serbian Association of Oral Implantology. Prof. Lazic is director of postgraduate oral implantology program at MMA and visiting professor at two universities. He lectures across the region with the focus on immediate implant placement and implant design. On this subject he published over 30 articles. Prof. Lazic maintains a private practice in Belgrade, Serbia.

Resources from this author

Implants After GBR with Wound Dehiscence

Scientific posters

Clinical outcomes after GBR with dehiscence

Dehiscence may occur during the post-GBR healing process, and it may lead to patient discomfort and dissatisfaction. This clinical study aims to assess the influence of wound dehiscence during post-GBR healing period on clinical outcome measures. 

1 year clinical view molar implants after GBR Clinical Study Aleksic EAO 2021

Scientific posters

Bone Regeneration of Horizontal Defects: 1 year clinical study

GBR is preferred in the treatment of alveolar ridge defects to provide sufficient bone for implant placement. Dr Zoran Aleksic, Dr Marko Magic (FOR Emerging Leader), and colleagues present this clinical study evaluating bone volume after GBR and survival and success of implants...