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Friedrich Wilhelm Neukam


Professor Friedrich Neukam received a DMD degree from Mainz University in 1976, and a MD degree in 1984 as well as a PhD in 1994 from Hannover University. He trained in oral and maxillofacial surgery and was a senior staff member at Hannover University Medical School. Since 1995 he has served as Chairman and Head of the Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery at Erlangen-Nuremberg University Dental School. He has served as President of the Germany Society of Implantology, General Secretary and President of the European Association of Osseointegration and as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He has lectured nationally and internationally and is the author of numerous published articles. In 2010 Athens Medical University awarded him with an honorary doctorate. Professor Neukam served as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of FOR (Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation) and as a Governance Council member from 2014 to 2017.

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Expert videos

Friedrich Neukam and Stefan Holst: Optimal decision-making and treatment planning - a shared responsibility. (Japanese)

この講演では、患者さんとのコミュニケーション、診断、治療計画、治療の決定、無歯顎患者の機能性と審美性の結果についての議論、そして治療の様々な局面をレビューします。通常の口腔内、口腔外の診査に加え、治療前診査では、患者さんの全身的な健康状態を考慮する必要があり、患者さんご自身でメインテナンスが可能か、またインプラント治療のコンプライアンスを得る必要性についてもふれています。Dr Neukamは高リスクとなる要因やインプラント治療における絶対的な禁忌症についてお話します。治療計画は常に補綴主導であること、治療の様々な段階で必ず手順を遵守し...