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Friedrich Wilhelm Neukam


Professor Friedrich Neukam received a DMD degree from Mainz University in 1976, and a MD degree in 1984 as well as a PhD in 1994 from Hannover University. He trained in oral and maxillofacial surgery and was a senior staff member at Hannover University Medical School. Since 1995 he has served as Chairman and Head of the Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery at Erlangen-Nuremberg University Dental School. He has served as President of the Germany Society of Implantology, General Secretary and President of the European Association of Osseointegration and as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He has lectured nationally and internationally and is the author of numerous published articles. In 2010 Athens Medical University awarded him with an honorary doctorate. Professor Neukam served as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of FOR (Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation) and as a Governance Council member from 2014 to 2017.

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Friedrich Neukam, Stefan Holst: 最优决策和治疗规划——共同的责任

讲师介绍了患者沟通、诊断、治疗计划和治疗决策的团队方法,探讨了无牙颌的功能和美观影响,并审视了不同的治疗阶段。除了常规的口腔内部和外部检查,治疗前的评估需要考虑到患者的一般身体状况、手工技术及移植治疗的依从性。 Neukam博士审视了移植治疗的高风险因素和绝对禁忌症。治疗规划一直是由prosthetically驱动的,治疗阶段严格遵循治疗顺序,并符合可预测结果的工作流程。通过应用短种植体或骨牵引术通常可避免 侵入性增量技术。Holst博士审视了修复材料的选择和假体的设计方案。对于日渐增多的无牙颌患者,修复设计的队列维护是至关重要的,对于卫生和操作...