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Webinar Nobre teaser image


Live Webinar: Maintenance of dental implants

In the first FOR webinar, Dr. Miguel de Araújo Nobre shares detailed information how to set up a successful maintenance plan for dental implants with immediate function. 

Liliana Silva

Patient cases

Vertical ridge augmentation in posterior mandible

This clinical report describes and demonstrates the successful use of autogenous particulate bone, anorganic bone mineral and barrier membranes to reconstruct severe alveolar bone defect.


Europerio 2022 Schlee


New treatment concepts to prevent and manage peri-implant diseases - part 3 a new treatment approach

In part 3 of our series from Europerio 2022, Dr. Markus Schlee reviews the aim of peri-implantitis treatment and available treatment options. Join the panel of outstanding experts to discuss the state of knowledge and future treatment concepts for peri-implant disease. 


New treatment concepts to prevent and manage peri-implant diseases - part 2 surgical aspects

In part 2 of our series from Europerio 2022, Dr. Alberto Monje discusses important considerations in the surgical treatment of peri-implantitis. Join the panel of outstanding experts to discuss the state of knowledge and future treatment options for peri-implant disease. 

eao 2021 Pohl


Treatment of Peri-Implantitis - Electrolytic Cleaning

Dr Sebastian Pohl presents the original case report at the European Association of Osseointegration Digital Days 2021. The case report shows the combination of electrolytic cleaning of an implant and GBR.

EAO 2021 Winitsky


3-D tooth movement adjacent to single anterior implants and aesthetic outcome. A 14-20 year follow-up

Dr. Nicole Winitsky presents her prize-winning oral communication presentation of a long-term study of 3-D tooth movement adjacent to implants in the anterior maxilla. This original research explores the long-term esthetic outcomes of single implants.